
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Animation Planner

Guardians of the Galaxy - Narrative Writing

Start your writing here:

A Farmer named Billy Stevens & his brother named Owen Stevens!

Where the story is set:

Before: Earth, Peaceful, plants growing, fresh air, Grass covering the dirt!
After: Earth, solid rock spreading, nothing growing, Core split in two!

The Problems:

A Drilling company are drilling the Earth with a drilling machine the person had orders to drill until reaching the core of the earth, he reaches the edge of the dirt and stops. He waits for his fuel to refill then the drilling machine starts rumbling and the drilling machine tears the core in two parts, the earth starts to rot and all the dirt and grass quickly turns into stone and the people have to get off the planet before they turn into stone!
They build a spaceship then head out to find a new planet but get troubled by asteroids!
My Orientation:
Billy Stevens and his brother Owen Stevens are in space with the town people behind them, they all built the same spaceship with different colors to show who’s is who’s. They are choosing a planet to live on and they pick Venus a safe planet with no life forms, this event happened 37 years ago!
What about the Problem:
When they head out of Earth and their in space they get troubled by millions and millions of humongous asteroids!
What happens first of all:
A Drilling company are drilling the Earth with a drilling machine the person had orders to drill until reaching the core of the earth, he reaches the edge of the dirt and stops. He waits for his fuel to refill then the drilling machine starts rumbling and the drilling machine tears the core in two parts, the earth starts to rot and all the dirt and grass quickly turns into stone and the people have to get off the planet before they turn into stone!
What happens next:

Billy Stevens and his brother Owen Stevens build a spaceship then Billy Stevens and his brother head off in their own spaceship, floating in space!
The End:
They live happy at their new home!

The problem is sorted out because they have found a new planet to live on, not a stone one! And by dodging asteroids!

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