
Friday 22 March 2019

Writing Journal Entry 2019

Walt: Communicate ideas on a topic

(Write a journal entry from the point of view of one of the people in the photographs)

“I was 5 years old and a little nervous on my first march across the big bridge.” I explained “I was standing right in the front waving my flag while standing next to the man who was holding the cross all dressed in black and white robes”
“and now it’s your first time to march across the great bridge and preach and pray to God and say thank you lord that there’s a way, there’s a way to your holy house!”
I said in a preaching way, lifting my voice at the end of the sentence to emphasize what I was trying to tell the little students in front of me.

Later on that day we began the walk across while singing holy songs and preaching and praying and thanking the lord for all the good things he has brought to us.
If you don’t understand why we march across the great bridge then let me tell you, we march across the bridge because it symbolizes us walking across the bridge that Jesus made because he loved us and he wanted good people to go to heaven! Once the march was finished we stopped at the end of the day and I did the honours of preaching to everyone about why we do this every year!

We all stopped at the end of the day just before nightfall to acknowledge what we did and why we did it. Once we were done we all got to our house we had a massive feast with each other and had a great time for the rest of the night. When we were all full people started to leave and me and my family headed to bed!

Task Description:
This week we had to picture ourselves assomeone else and write a narrative on what happens next. We chose from a selection of pictures but I chose the one with a christian man and a crowd marching across a long bridge while the man holds a big cross! I found it hard.

1 comment:

  1. Very thought provoking narrative - appreciate how you relate to the character and describe what happens in the "first person".
    Love Mum
